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Thursday, July 4, 2019

2019 Independence Day and Weather

My towns fireworks show finale and my own little fireworks show. 🎆😊

Happy Independence Day & Fourth Of July!

Old Navy
Head band
Here's your forecast for the day,
Hot and muggy with afternoon pulse thunderstorms arriving in the late afternoon through the late evening hours. It won't be a wash out which is good news as these thunderstorms will be hit or miss. These storms may be strong to severe at times with small hail, gusty winds, dangerous continuous cloud to ground, and cloud to cloud lightning. Mind the weather, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Lightning can strike more than 10 miles outside of a thunderstorm. Stop what you are doing and move indoors immediately if a storm approaches your location.

A look ahead, each day this week will bring the chance for thunderstorms. Highs in the upper 80's, with lows in the low 70's. Each day will be like the previous day. Not everyone will see a storm, but the threat is there. Be sure to check the weather multiple times throughout the day or have a way to be alerted to changing weather conditions.

Here is radar from

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